Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hesse-Engelburg Map - Draft 1

This is subject to change, naturally, as I may well decide to add some towns or shift things around at some point. But below is a reasonably satisfactory map of the Hesse-Engelburg area, created with the GameMapr software.

I owe thanks to Henry Hyde for his articles in Battlegames Magazine about making maps for his Wars of the Faltenian Succession which inspired me and also provided a mechanism for randomly generating terrain. Additional thanks goes to Stokes Schwartz for his advice, and Klaus Schultheis for his assistance in checking my translations and some very useful suggestions that provided further naming inspiration. I also benefited from the examples of several other wargamers whose maps preceded mine.


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Hey Jonathan,

That's a mighty nice looking map. Impressive work!

Best Regards,


Frankfurter said...

lovely map ... I've not been able to figure out how to create any file but their special one ... I'd love to save a couple for graphic upload ...

BTW, you've got Frankszonia in the wrong list of links ...

Of course, I'm no where near as far along as you are in my own work ...


Snickering Corpses said...

I've moved Frankzonia to the appropriate list!

Also, to save the map, you use the Map menu -> Save to Filetype...

I saved mine off to JPG for posting here. It's worth noting you'll need to include the .jpg extension on the filename. It won't fill it in for you like many graphics programs will.

Auston Jeff Butler said...

that is an awesome map.